How to clean car seats?

How to clean car seats

Do you want to have clean car seats? Do you feel tired after getting dirt on your car seat? Well, if you answer “yes” to these questions, read this article. This article will give you tips on how to clean car seats.

How to clean car seats?

How to clean car seats

Follow the steps to clean car seats:

1. Find out the reason why your car seat is dirty. If you find out there’s an oil-based stain or a grease stain in your seat, prepare some paper towels and water to clean it up. Just use only water to remove the oil-based stains on your car seats. It will just take a few minutes if you use water.

2. Prepare some shampoo, a bucket and lots of rags to clean your car seats if your car seat is dirty due to dirt or mud. Fill the bucket with water and put the shampoo in it. Use the rag to scrub off all the dirt that got stuck in your car seats. For tough stains, you can use a brush to scrub. Use another rag to wipe out all the soapy water from your car seats and use a dry towel to dry it up.

3. If you have kids, they might spill some snacks or food on their way in your car seat. Prepare a vacuum cleaner and suck up all the dirt stuck on the car seats. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you can use wet wipes or baby wipes to clean up the mess. If the stain remains, use some cleaning solution and let it wait for about 30 minutes. After that, you can easily wipe out all the dirt with water.

4. Prepare dish soap, baking soda and white vinegar if your car seat is dirty due to coffee or tea spills. Use a scrubbing brush and apply some soap solution on the area with the stains. Then, prepare a bucket of water and add half of cup of baking soda in it. Dip your scrubbing brush into the bucket and use it to scrub off all the stain on your car seats. Use a rag to wipe out the baking soda and dry it up.

5. Use a wet towel and prepare some vinegar if your car seat is dirty due to pet hair, dead bugs or dusts. Put the towel on top of your car seat and let it sit for about 15 minutes. After that, you can easily rub off all the dirt with the towel.

Lastly, you can apply some scotchguard on your car seats to keep it clean and avoid dirt sticking on it.


1. If you want to clean car seats easily, don’t eat in or around your car seat

2. You can spray some perfume on your car seat to make it smell good.

3. Use vinegar to get rid of bad odor in your car seats. Just leave the vinegar sitting there for 30 minutes before wiping it off with water.

4. You can also use baking soda to get rid of bad odor in your car seats. Just leave the baking soda sitting there for about 30 minutes before wiping it off with water.

On the whole,

You need to know the reason why your car seat is dirty so that you can choose different ways to clean your car seat. If you want to have clean car seats, use the above steps.

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