When car owners attempt to describe car sounds for mechanics, they often assume the car’s engine is having a problem when it’s actually something else.
One of the most common car noises that car owners and even mechanics frequently mistake as a sign of engine trouble is a car sound similar to a flat tire or thumping. The thumping noise coming from the car is typically from a loose item in the trunk or hatch area. Read also: How to reset service engine soon light?
What causes car sounds like it has a flat tire but doesn’t?
A loose item in the trunk or hatch area of a car is usually what causes the “flat tire” noise. The constant thumping noise occurs when the item moves around while the car is being driven, causing it to bump against other objects in the trunk or hatch area.
Some common items that may cause a thumping noise in the trunk or hatch area of the car are tools and other objects such as jumper cables, sports equipment, groceries, luggage bags and more. Although these items are important to have when traveling, they can potentially become dangerous if the driver isn’t able to secure them properly during transportation.
How to fix car sounds like it has a flat tire but doesn’t?
If the “flat tire” noise is heard while the car is being driven, it may be best to have a mechanic inspect the vehicle’s suspension. The constant jarring caused by moving items in the trunk area could have an adverse effect on the car’s bumper system. A mechanic can fix this problem by removing the object or objects that are causing the noise and then properly securing them to avoid the problem from reoccurring. If there is nothing in the trunk that would cause a thumping noise, it might be time for an inspection of the car’s tire system or some type of engine trouble.
How do I prevent car sounds like it has a flat tire but doesn’t?
An easy way to prevent the thumping noise from occurring is to place heavier items in the trunk of the car and securing them with a tie-down system. This will keep lighter objects such as luggage bags from moving around while driving. Heavy grocery bags can also be placed on top of other items in the trunk area so that they don’t move when driving.
It is also important to make sure that the tie-down system used in the trunk area of a car is properly positioned so that it won’t affect the car’s suspension system during movement on rough roads or at high speeds. The tie-down hooks should be placed directly above or below the axle of the car to avoid putting too much strain on the suspension system during movement.
What are other sounds that can be mistaken as a car sound like it has a flat tire but doesn’t?
Some of the most common car noises that mechanics frequently hear from customers may or may not be related to engine trouble, including squeaking brakes, shifting gears, a high-pitched squeal when turning and others. Regardless of the car noise, it’s always best to have the vehicle inspected or repaired by a mechanic to determine the potential cause of the sound.
Will fixing this car noise fix other problems?
Although this problem may be one that can be fixed relatively quickly, it’s important to remember that it may be the result of other car problems. For this reason, mechanics recommend having a car inspected for additional issues before trying to fix the noise at home.
What is typically done about the problem?
When a problem with an item in the trunk area of a car is determined to be the culprit of the noise, mechanics either remove or secure the item to avoid having to deal with this problem again in the future. If there are more serious car issues at hand, such as a faulty suspension system due to improper tie-down placement, it may be necessary for a mechanic to inspect and repair other parts of the car before addressing the thumping noise.
Car sounds like it has a flat tire but doesn’t is an annoying problem that can be fixed with the proper knowledge. It’s important to remember that this car noise might be the result of other car issues so professional assistance may need to be sought in order to fix the problem properly.