10 bad habits that will ruin your car

10 bad habits that will ruin your car

Things (and couples) will last longer if you take care of them and treat them well. And cars are not the exception that confirms the rule, far from it. It may be that carelessness, or not paying attention to how certain components work, may seem like a trivial matter, but it is not at all. Something that seems harmless can become, over time, a real problem.

We are not referring only to the fact that these behaviors that we are going to disaggregate you next suppose an expense of the car and that you lose money, that too. Many of these habits can affect systems and, in the long run, endanger your own safety. Knowing them is the first step in knowing how to correct them. So you know, read and stop doing these ten harmful habits if you want your car to last longer:

1.Delay maintenance

2.Ignore board warning lights

3.Go to clean the car

4.Conduct aggressive driving

5.Driving too quiet

6.Start the car as if there were no tomorrow

7.Abuse the clutch and lean on the shift lever

8.Using the brakes too or not doing it

9.Move the steering with the car stopped

10.Driving with the car in reserve

1.Delay maintenance

10 bad habits that will ruin your car
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In our car maintenance guide, we already tell you. It may hurt to spend money on the shop, but maintaining your car is vital to its longevity. Regular maintenance includes oil change and filters, as well as liquids. Each manufacturer of the vehicle specifies a different maintenance routine, which can be found in the owner’s manual.

There is no doubt that it requires some time and money to invest, but it’s a minutia when you compare it to what it costs a new engine or transmission. (remember that you do not lose the warranty if you take the car to a freelance workshop, generally cheaper and that you can mount spare parts of equivalent quality instead of original without fear.) And we will not tire of repeating it since recent studies indicate that the young people spend maintaining their vehicles.

Driving with worn or poorly pressured tires

We have separated the tires because they deserve special attention. They are part of the safety triangle of the car and are key since it is the only point of the cache that has direct contact with the ground. That’s why you should not risk driving with worn tires. If you bust a tire while driving you may lose control of your vehicle and have a serious accident. And if you drive a vehicle with smooth tires in the rain, the risk of aquaplaning is multiplied. Yes, they are expensive (especially if you have an SUV or your car rides very large rims), but it costs less than a car … or a lifetime.

Okay, maybe we’ve gotten a bit catastrophic, but do not skimp on tires. Or look at the pressure. This habit only costs five minutes and with the right pressure will last longer (they will not wear irregularly, will not deteriorate sooner than planned and the car will use less fuel).

2.Ignore board warning lights

10 bad habits that will ruin your car
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When an indicator lights up on the dashboard, it is important to address the problem immediately. If you do not know what the light means, check the owner’s manual or call your mechanic. Some dashboard warning lights can alert you to some very serious problems, such as a leakage of coolant, which can cause the engine to overheat. Preventive repair often prevents the problem from getting older.

3.Go to clean the car

10 bad habits that will ruin your car
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Without proper care and attention, even the best paint will become pale and discolored by the action of industrial pollutants and traffic or acid rain. Some time ago we took all necessary steps to wash the car well. And eye, although the very purists will always recommend hand washing, usually in that washing is spent less water than in the car wash … which ends up filling the water with dirt and causing countless tiny scratches. Eye, we say autovalado and not the washing stations of large rollers.

There are situations where cleaning is more important, such as when traveling on snowy roads where you have used salt to avoid ice sheets. And in summer, it is key to protect the car from the sun properly.

A couple more tricks. If you find work on the road, move slowly and as far away as possible from the previous vehicle. Tar really goes wrong with the body. When arriving from the trip, try to clean the car as soon as possible. They also agree to have a clean interior, and the more daring can dare with a clean engine.


4.Conduct aggressive driving

10 bad habits that will ruin your car
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Giving accelerations does not help you gain time and has negative effects on your car. More is consumed, the engine is overheated and the tires wear out. This type of driving will not end your car immediately but will cause the engine, transmission and brake system to deteriorate much faster than anticipated. Cars that have been abused will have premature fluid leaks, broken gaskets, and other mechanical problems. And let’s not start skidding the driving wheels. It is a waste of gasoline and wheels, and it unnecessarily damages the transmission, the clutch, the gearbox and the differential.

Avoid also driving with the engine at many revolutions. It increases the consumption and can cause overrun (to turn of turns to the motor). This involves a very expensive repair. This also punishes the clutch, the transmission, and the gearbox.

In our advice to take care of a motor with turbo already indicated to you that they are mechanics that require special attention. Check your lubrication and oil level. Do not suddenly accelerate, or seek maximum power when the engine is cold. After a long trip, let it idle for a few minutes for the oil circuit to cool the turbo shaft.

More Article About Car Here

5.Driving too quiet

10 bad habits that will ruin your car
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Nowadays, the advances have made that we can enjoy powerful cars with a high torque. Because of this, it is customary to travel in long marches at very few revolutions … thinking of saving fuel. But efficient driving can damage the car if you do not do it properly.

For example, raising a port at low churn or sixth revolutions may be more detrimental to the engine than excess speed. The reason is that the mechanics work without enough turns to reach its maximum torque, where the best power-to-power ratio is given. As we explain how to drive efficiently are damaging the car, it can bring serious and costly problems: such as damage to the crankshaft, connecting rods, connecting rods and bench.

In the case of diesel cars, this slow driving can affect the EGR valve, which accumulates more charcoal and reduces its useful life by half, or the particulate filter (hence the maintenance of diesel cars is higher). Gasoline engines are also not the panacea for this because going very slowly damages the catalyst (which becomes a deposit of coal)

In addition, it is increasingly common to mount turbo, a fantastic piece … but delicate (especially if it does not cool conveniently after a long trip), so that the cooling system and the oil circulation itself cool the turbo, which reduces the risk of failure by more than 90%.

6.Start the car as if there were no tomorrow

When you start the car in the morning, especially in winter, heating the engine with strong accelerations is a bad idea. The oil and components have not yet reached the ideal temperature … and being less protected will accelerate wear on the engine of the vehicle.

As we reminded you in our tips to start the car in cold, wait a few seconds for the oil to reach the circuit and then always accelerate progressively.

7.Abuse the clutch and lean on the shift lever

The clutch is one of the most punished elements of the car. As it works by friction, it suffers wear every time it is stepped on. That is why you do not have to support your feet without it (there is an overexertion that affects the disc and all the parts that act on it)

Another bad habit is to use the shifter as an armrest. Without knowing it, you are pushing the internal mechanisms of the change, which wears out and causes looseness in synchronizers, bearings … In the long term, it translates into vibrations and that the gear of the gears is more imprecise. You know, use the lever only to change gears … and do it smoothly. And in automatic changes, never try to start pushing it (uses the pliers ), nor circulate in neutral. You will only succeed.Using the brakes too … or not doing it

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8.Using the brakes too or not doing it

10 bad habits that will ruin your car
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Stepping on the brake pedal too long can accelerate wear of discs and pads, deform discs, create vibrations on the steering wheel when braking and deteriorate the brake fluid, making the brake system less resistance to fatigue. As we told you in our advice to go up and down mountain passes, use the engine brake down a gear. This will keep the brakes and you can control the car better. And lastly, do not rush too much the pads and pads .. change them ens much cheaper than renewing the set of discs and drums. If you want to secondary in the subject, you can read our tricks to amntener the brakes in good condition.

If on steep slopes we sometimes abuse too much of the brakes, when it comes to tackling a Baden many times we do not. It is true that our dear mayors have taken pleasure in placing too many (only can rival the roundabouts), but we must stop when we meet one. If you do not, you run the risk of bursting a tire or cause problems at the anchor points of the suspension.

9.Move the steering with the car stopped

Avoid handling the steering with the car stopped. Think about how little, on tires, wheels, and suspension there is a ton of weight … the tires can deform and the suspensions unbalance, with damaged bearings. In addition, you can wear off the steering rack, so driving will be slack. It is true that now the vast majority of cars have power steering, in which this problem is not so serious … but in them, you should never turn the wheel to the limit. If you force it the mechanism (the steering pump stings on empty) and it will spoil before.

parking_ferrari_four_golpesJPGAt this point, we can not overlook those who climb curbs with the car to park. Sometimes it’s inevitable (we all do). Try to go up the low zone and slowly, because you can deteriorate the suspension settings and end up unbalancing tires and tires, causing vibrations in the steering wheel. And when it comes to parking, if the tires do not touch the curb, the better. These “tweaks” against concrete wear gums a lot and it is easier to break out, in addition to damaging the bearings.

10.Driving with the car in reserve

Yes, your car is capable of moving with less than five liters of fuel in the tank, but it does not like the fuel pump at all. This element (in cars with electronic injection) is submerged in the tank, so there must be enough fuel to ensure the lubrication and cooling of the pump. So make sure that the car does not circulate in reserve, as the pump can be deflected.

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