Aquaplaning, what it is and how to avoid it


Rain is a concern for thousands of drivers who have to face their daily journeys. We all know that extreme caution must be exercised when driving under these conditions and that is why we compile a series of important tips. And if there is a feared phenomenon when the rainfall is intense, that is the aquaplaning. It is positioned as one of the main causes of accidents with rain. That is why we explain what it is and how to avoid it.

Aquaplaning, what it is and how to avoid it

What is aquaplaning?Aquaplaning

Aquaplaning is a phenomenon that happens when a vehicle goes through a surface full of water and the tires are not able to evacuate it. In this way, a film of water forms and the wheels lose contact with the asphalt, causing an important loss of traction that can end in an accident. For those who have never experienced it, a similar example can be slipping with an ice sheet.

Keep in mind that if there is little water on the asphalt. The tires will be able to dislodge it and there will be no problems. We must be more attentive to those rafts that are formed on the road and that will be difficultly managed by the tires. The speed will also be an important factor in the equation because the faster you go, the tires have less time to evacuate the water. The wider wheels are also more prone to suffer aquaplaning because of their greater contact surface.

How to avoid aquaplaning?Aquaplaning

Therefore, the first two keys are to monitor the road and reduce the speed of rain, something basic and known by all. As prevention is better than cure, vehicle maintenance is important when avoiding aquaplaning. It is less likely to suffer if the tires are in perfect condition. With a depth of drawing above 1.6 mm and with a pressure that is correct.

In spite of having followed the indications, if the precipitations are intense, you can suffer aquaplaning. You have to be prepared in case it happens and try not to panic. The steering is the one that guides the wheels on the asphalt. So you have to hold the steering wheel firmly and avoid sudden turns. You have to try to maintain a trajectory that does not alter the conditions of the vehicle too much when it regains traction. Continue reading- How to take the tires with the correct pressure

Another errorAquaplaning

Another error that can be serious and that must be avoided is to stop sharply. Although the instinct invites to use this pedal, it is not very convenient. It will not be possible to stop the car because the wheels do not have traction and in case the grip comes back. If the wheels are blocked the skid could be increased. Neither do you have to keep accelerating? Just let go of it gently and let yourself go so that the sliding ends as soon as possible?

If the water raft occupies little surface, the user will regain control without problems if he has not performed drastic maneuvers as we have said. If the aquaplaning is prolonged many meters you have to take into account the environment. And the inertia that the vehicle carries to try to predict the direction that the vehicle will take. In this case, with more reason, it is key to keep calm. Follow the steps above and prepare for a possible collision if there is no escape.

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