The 7 elements that you should check (almost) constantly in the car

the car

Preventive maintenance avoids numerous problems, but it is not enough just to monitor the tires or the oil level. We share the elements that you should check constantly in the car.

It is not easy to solve a problem that does not exist yet. It is not even easy to ask and even less if it costs money. And that is why thousands of drivers forget, error, of the preventive maintenance of their car. Because the next visit to the workshop for a review will be avoiding an appointment (surely much more expensive) to fix a breakdown.

The first should be done at 5,000 kilometers, the second at 10,000 and from there, more or less. Repeat them every 15,000 or 20,000 kilometers, according to the official book of the vehicle or the car itself, in fact. In current models, the travel computer tells the driver the advisable periods of revision. And even adapts them in each case depending on the driving style and the requirement to which it is subject to mechanics.

The maintenance book will also tell you that you should pay attention to the oil and the filter. As well as other filters (air, pollen, and fuel); to the shock absorbers, which guarantee ride comfort and safety;  the timing belt, whose price is high; to the brake pads, for obvious reasons; to the tires, to the headlights, to the exhaust system and even to the windscreen wiper blades.

What the manufacturer will not say, probably, is that the revisions must not necessarily be made in the official service to maintain the guarantee. The European Regulation 461/2010 makes clear, according to which, as recalled the consumer portal of the Community of Madrid, “car manufacturers must provide any workshop with the technical information necessary to intervene in cars. […] The consumer does not lose the legal guarantee of his vehicle when reviewing it in a workshop outside the brand in question, provided that the workshop is authorized by the manufacturer and has supplied the original parts. ”

The elements that you should check constantly in the car


It is complex to establish what exactly to review in the usual maintenance because each model is a world, but there are certain parts of the vehicle whose control is essential.

OILthe car

The essential element in maintenance is the oil, which lubricates the engine and softens its friction: a well-oiled block maintains much better the brio and the benefits, but the oil becomes dirty and loses properties and beyond 15,000 kilometers it no longer yields as should. This is as a general rule, of course: there are manufacturers who recommend changes every 10,000 kilometers and others every 30,000. Everyone will agree on something, however: at the same time the filter must be replaced, which accumulates old oil and many impurities.

FILTERSthe car

The oil filter is not alone. One of the air guarantees that the one that arrives at the motor does not contain impurities so that the combustion is realized in optimal conditions. Its useful life depends on the air in which the car moves, but it should be changed every 15,000 kilometers, approximately. In gasoline vehicles, the fuel filter prevents fuel impurities from reaching the engine and must be changed between 40,000 and 80,000 kilometers; in diesel, it serves to eliminate moisture and prevent corrosion (change every 30,000 or 60,000 kilometers). As for the pollen filter, which guarantees clean air in the passenger compartment. It should be replaced every year or every 15,000 kilometers.

TIRESthe car

The connection between the car and the road depends on the condition of the tires. Watch the pressure and wear, as well as the age of the covers. Here are all the keys to control them and choose the best new tires. Continue reading- The Top 10 Picks of 2018: the best cars of the year


Together with the tires and brakes, the shock absorbers form a fundamental set for safety. They allow to maintain the stability of the car, absorb irregularities in the terrain and brake effectively. Its wear is not visible to the naked eye, so it would be convenient to check them every 20,000 kilometers.

BRAKESthe car

Apart from the need to control the brake fluid, the front pads have a greater wear than the rear. Since most of the models in circulation are front-wheel drive. It is very important that this system is reviewed by a specialist at least once a year.


Keep in mind that the price of a break in distribution kit can become important, even very high. Therefore, its maintenance is essential, and a revision between 80,000 and 100,000 kilometers is recommended. A lot of eyes, because some kits include the water pump. If this is the case (it happens every time in more models), the change or revision is usually made jointly.


The exhaust systems have a double mission in the care of the environment. To reduce the polluting emissions and the noise of the gases when leaving the engine. Although it depends on many factors and therefore can not speak of a fixed figure. The catalysts fail to cover their environmental protection function approximately 80,000 kilometers. The Association of Workshops of Madrid advises a revision from the 60,000 kilometers.

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